Medical Needles and Lancets
CAUTION: Medical needles and lancets, commonly referred to as “sharps” have special disposal instructions. Never place ANY sharps in a recycling bin or drop-off. This poses serious health hazards to recycling haulers and recycling facility workers.
TRASH: If possible, use a household medical waste disposal system for sharps and mail them to the designated medical waste disposal facility or call for waste pick up using the enclosed instructions. An internet search such as “household medical waste disposal York PA” will show businesses that offer these services. If you are unable to use a household medical waste disposal system, place sharps in a rigid, lidded container (such as an empty laundry detergent bottle), secure the lid tightly, tape it shut, label the container “SHARPS – DO NOT RECYCLE” and place it in your regular trash. Never place loose sharps in trash as this poses serious health hazards to waste haulers and waste facility workers.