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The York County Solid Waste Authority Offers York County Residents FREE Litter Disposal


Are you looking for a lovely picnic spot? York County has many. How about a place to hike or bike? York County has that, too. And, a place to enjoy time on the water? York County offers that, as well.  We live in a uniquely beautiful area filled with many locations to enjoy the outdoors. Unfortunately, like many other communities, we have a litter problem. What can we do to help eliminate the problem?

Tackling the Problem with FREE Litter Disposal

According to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP), local roads have an average of 1,030 pieces of litter per mile. The number is overwhelming! To make the issue more daunting, it was recently reported that nearly half of Pennsylvania residents litter because they don’t care or they cannot find a conveniently placed trash can. We have to do better.

How can we turn this problem around? Shedding light on litter is a good first step to combat the issue. Nearly 83% of residents feel like they are uneducated about litter control. We definitely need to talk about it more. The PADEP is conducting an ongoing study to get to the bottom of littering behaviors and educate the public. Click here to view the details.

The Authority sees litter control as a priority. That is why we sponsor Downtown Inc.’s Litter Crew providing funds for salaries and equipment. We also offer free litter disposal to York County residents. It’s our goal to make trash disposal easy, especially litter disposal. The FREE Litter Disposal Program allows individuals or groups to contact the Authority prior to their clean-up efforts to obtain a placard for no cost litter discard at the York County Resource Recovery Center (YCRRC).

More information

If you would like more information on the Authority’s FREE Litter Disposal Program, click here. In 2019, 29.9 tons of litter were collected with the program. Every effort helps. This program runs year-round. Contact YCSWA anytime so we can assist with your litter disposal needs.


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