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Vermicomposting: Worms with an Appetite (for Waste)!

Discover how composting works! Learn all about nature’s recycler, the red wiggler, and how these worms recycle food waste into usable compost. This presentation provides an up-close opportunity to see these animals at work and learn about the benefits of composting. YCSWA provides all necessary materials to create a worm bin or worm cups:

  • 1 large plastic bin or cup for each participant
  • 1 plastic tarp (not necessary for worm cup presentation)
  • 1 air conditioner filter
  • 1 bag of dirt
  • 1 lb. of red wiggler worms
  • 30 newspaper clippings
  • 1 gal. of water (not necessary for worm cup presentation)

Aligns with the following PDE standards:

3.1.1 A and 3.1.4 A k-2

3.5 3-5 I, N

3.1 6-8 D, I, K

3.1.9 9-12 O, V, X

Evaluation Tool
Students will be able to describe the basics of trash disposal, recycling, and composting. They should understand the environmental benefits of vermicomposting and relate how compost is used to enhance soil nutrient value for plants.


  1. Maintain a large worm bin in the classroom for one semester. Worm bins and supplies are provided at no cost by YCSWA, available on a first-come, first-served basis. Call (717) 845-1066 or click here to reserve a bin.
  2. Brainstorm all the ways composting, and recycling in general, benefit the environment. Create a school bulletin board or display illustrating the benefits.
Virtual Program

30–45 minutes (adaptable to grade-appropriate length)

Contact our office at least two weeks prior to the day you would like to create your worm bin. We will gather the supplies for you to pick up at our Management Center, or we can deliver the materials to you. On the day of the presentation, one of our staff will connect with you via Zoom, Google Meet, etc. and walk participants through the process.

In-Person Program

45–60 minutes (adaptable to grade-appropriate length)

Contact our office at least two weeks prior to the day you would like to create your worm bin. The presenter will bring the necessary supplies on the day of the program

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Search for anything on our website here or search for household items you no longer want or need to find donation, recycling and disposal options:
Type into the field your word/phrase and hit the ‘enter’ key on your keyboard to proceed.