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The York County Solid Waste Authority has elected officers for 2023.  They are as follows:

                     Chairman— Patrick Ball

                        Vice Chairman— Matt Sommer

                        Secretary—Felicia Dell

                        Treasurer— John Klinedinst

                        Assistant Secretary/Treasurer— Charles Renn

The Members of the York County Solid Waste Authority are appointed to five-year terms. The nine volunteer Members of the Authority comprise the official policy-making body of the Authority. Associate Members may serve in a training capacity to prepare for a role as a Member at which time they assume full voting privileges.

The Authority Members also made the following annual appointments:

                        Solicitor- CGA Law Firm

                        Auditor- Reinsel Kuntz Lesher LLP             

The board of the York County Solid Waste Authority meets the third Wednesday bi-monthly (January, March, May, July, September and November) at 6:30 pm in Conference Room A of the Authority’s Management Center located at 2700 Blackbridge Road. The public is invited to attend meetings.

YCSWA facilitates responsible solid waste management through an integrated strategy that emphasizes waste reduction, education, recycling, and resource recovery. YCSWA is the owner of the York County Resource Recovery Center, a Small Load Drop Off Facility, a Recyclable Materials Drop-off Center, an Ash Recycling & Processing Facility, an Education Center, and the closed York County Sanitary Landfill which hosts the Hopewell Area Recreational Complex. Click here for more information about YCSWA.

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